All You Need To Know About Cyber Security Threats

All You Need To Know About Cyber Security Threats

Cybersecurity is one of the biggest concerns business owners express when asked about their distaste for online operations.

Even though businesses are moving to the online space at a high rate now, cyber threats are still an area that most entrepreneurs don’t know much about but are very fearful of.

Cybersecurity is constantly talked about, but not a lot of people actually know much about it.

So, this is your handy guide to understanding what you should know about cybersecurity threats to your business, legal practice, or educational institution.

Why Cyber Security Needs To Be Taken Seriously

The integrity of an organizationis measured by how secure it keeps the data entrusted to it and how well they’re able to keep functioning. Cyber attacks seek to target both of those areas.

For example, a legal firm keeps many sensitive documents that need to be protected from public viewing.

An attack on the systems of such an organization threatens the confidentiality all lawyers are bound by. Student information and client data hold the same importance for schools and businesses, respectively.

Medium and small businesses or organizations, in particular, should take this seriously because many malicious cyber attackers tend to assume these firms haven’t invested in proper security against cyber threats.

Types of Cyber Threats

Cyber threats can come in different packages. Let’s explore some of these.

  1. Phishing is commonly done through emails or social media sites in an attempt to gain access to your servers by getting you to click on fake links.
  2. Malware is a type of software that can do anything from spying on the computer’s actions to frying the storage. Malware is often downloaded when someone falls prey to phishing attempts.
  3. Algorithm Manipulation happens when attacks occur on cloud computing platforms or other similar services. The algorithm of these platforms can be altered to release information or shut down altogether.
  4. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a type of attack that overwhelms the server, causing it to slow down or crash completely.

Ransomware is a sneaky way that cyber terrorists use to extract money or favours. They shut down devices or entire servers through malware, and they then extort money through that leverage.

How Cyber Invasions Happen

Cyber invasions don’t just happen overnight. There are multiple steps which cyber attackers take before they launch their actual offensive.

The first stage is recon. Phishing and planting devices are ways that they gain access to the system. Next comes a silent invasion. The attacker will enter the system but simply observe the functioning of the device or server.

After these stages, attackers move in and deposit malware as they go.

Step four is when they capture or manipulate the data depending on their goal, and the final stage is their exit. The exit can be quick and discreet, or the attacker may launch ransomware to destroy proof.

Professional IT consulting services can help you stop an attack up to step three.

By installing useful software and helping you train your employees, an IT service can assist you in beefing up your security to new levels.

If you’re concerned about your cybersecurity, our team at Vixtro would be happy to help you out!

We provide affordable IT consulting to medium and small businesses in Melbourne, Australia. This includes backup, recovery, cloud computing, cybersecurity and more!

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