3 Best Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses in 2021

3 Best Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses in 2021

When people think of the most prominent targets for cyberattacks, it’s large organizations and government agencies that come to mind. The fact is that most cybercriminals are opportunists.

Small business networks are often unprotected, which make them easy targets for malicious hackers. A report published by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) found that small businesses are the target of 43 percent of all cybercrimes.

The impact of a cyberattack on a small business can be devastating—but the good news is that implementing even basic cyber protection strategies can help thwart off most attackers. Here are some of the tips to help you get started:

1. Cloud Security

Cloud infrastructure is critical for most businesses; cloud-based systems are highly efficient, cost-effective and easily accessible.

However, businesses need to be careful about which platforms and cloud-based services they’re using. Only choose applications that offer a high level of security and come with built-in safeguards.

3. VPNs and Firewalls

Data backup, data maintenance, and disaster recovery plans are all important components of any cyber security plan. Even though it’s essential to take security measures to manage cyberattacks, your first priority should be to prevent them altogether.

Virtual private networks (VPN) and firewalls are highly effective when it comes to preventing attacks. The firewall stops inbound access via the Internet, while the VPN is able to encrypt traffic and protect the user’s identity.

3. Employee Training

Phishing attempts are a common ploy used by hackers and fraudsters to gain access to company systems or personal information. A study of small businesses conducted by the Australian Cyber Security Centre found that 1 in 5 SMBs did not know the term phishing.

The lack of information and awareness surrounding cybersecurity is sometimes the biggest threat to small businesses. While once cybersecurity was deemed a matter for experts only, today, it’s imperative that all employees in a company know at least the basics of information security and cybersecurity.

Working with a cyber security consultant can help you identify areas of high priority and design tailored training programs for your employees. At VIXTRO, we offer customized IT services for small businesses throughout Melbourne. From IT cyber security support to VoIP solutions, we’re a one-stop solution for many SMBs like yours.

For more information about our services, get in touch today.

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